[WG: Accessibility] Reminder: Accessibility WG Teleconference TODAY! November 8th, 2012

Humbert, Joseph A johumber at iupui.edu
Thu Nov 8 05:20:09 PST 2012

Hello everyone,

I apologize for not getting the reminder out earlier. This is a reminder that the next teleconference for the Accessibility WG will be TODAY November 8th at 2 PM Eastern.

Phone: 812-856-7060
PIN: 22348
Sakai 2.9

*         Release schedule updates/new beta tags (if any)

*         Neil Caidin would like the group feedback on improvements to the accessibility of 2.9 for the release notes.

o    Joe will have a draft of the proposed accessibility release notes sent out before the meeting.

*         Decide if the group would like to take on the project of updating the accessibility help information for 2.9.0

Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review

*         Jira issues that have been logged, fixed, verified, and merged.

*         Discuss the minor accessibility issues discovered during testing.

o    Decide which should be raised to Major so they may eventually get addressed

*         New collaborative testing scheduling / discussion

o    Test and Quizzes

Any Other Business

*         Accessibility preferences

*         Please feel free to bring up other topics

Joe Humbert, Adaptive Technology and Accessibility Specialist
UITS Adaptive Technology and Accessibility Centers
Indiana University, Indianapolis and Bloomington
535 W Michigan St. IT214 E
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Office Phone: (317) 274-4378
Cell Phone: (317) 644-6824
johumber at iupui.edu<mailto:johumber at iupui.edu>

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