[DG: Spanish Sakai] Fwd: [WG: Accessibility] Sakai 10.0 released!

Diego del Blanco Orobitg diego.delblanco.sakai at gmail.com
Mon Jun 30 10:19:14 PDT 2014

Hola Comunidad!!!

Ha salido Sakai 10... y aquí os reenvío el correo que supongo que habréis
recibido por las listas en inglés.

Como pone abajo del todo, la información de la release está en Inglés,
Chino y... en Español!!!!  Aunque aún queda un poquito que traducir en
nuestro idioma, en los próximos días estará todo lo necesario para poder
instalarse Sakai 10. Estoy en ello!!!

Por otro lado, os recuerdo que Confluence, la aplicación donde está la
documentación, está abierta a su edición por lo que muchos de vosotros,
creando un usuario, podríais colaborar también traduciendo aquello que
consideréis y sobre todo, arreglando aquello que esté mal traducido o con

Si no tenéis permisos de edición... entonces mandadme las traducciones o
las correcciones por correo y yo las añadiré con sumo gusto!  Por favor, no
uséis los comentarios de la parte inferior de las páginas para esto, porque
luego, una vez arreglada la página, el comentario sigue ahí y queda mal.
Mandadme mails.

Como está traducido en la web... no os traduzco el mensaje de Neil, jajaja.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Neal Caidin <neal.caidin at apereo.org>
Date: 2014-06-30 16:57 GMT+02:00
Subject: [WG: Accessibility] Sakai 10.0 released!
To: "production at collab.sakaiproject.org" <production at collab.sakaiproject.org>,
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 [production, sakai-dev, sakai-qa, i18n,accessibility, sakai-docs,
sakai-user, portfolio, pedagogy, sakai-pmc]

Dear Community,

The Sakai Core Team is happy to announce the release of Sakai 10.0!
Congratulations to our worldwide team on the successful completion of Sakai
10.0 !

Sakai 10 builds on the solid work of the Sakai 2.9.3 release. We have two
new tool contributions, better support for audio and video using HTML 5,
infrastructure improvements, about 50 security fixes, performance
improvements, a number of new features, and close to 2,000 fixes!
Highlights include, but are not limited to:

   - Signup tool, previously a Contrib tool, is now part of Sakai core.
   - Delegated Access tool, previously a Contrib tool, is now part of Sakai
   - Updated and enhanced context sensitive help  includes step-by-step
   instructions, and in a format that is easier to modify to your
   institution's needs.
   - IMS LTI 2.0 - first LMS (learning management system) with support for
   LTI 2.0.
   - IMS Common Cartridge (CC) upgrade. Support for reading CC files is
   able to read CC versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and it can export data in CC version
   1.1 or 1.2. User selectable.
   - Peer graded Assignments - Option for students to review each other's
   - Group Assignments - Option for students to submit, and be graded upon,
   work as a group.
   - Test and Quizzes has new question types: Calculated question and
   Extended Matching Items. Plus improved precision on numeric answers and a
   new accordion-style interface for quiz setup.
   - Lessons (aka LessonBuilder) toolbar has been redesigned and
   simplified, better support for embedded Audio and video, new Table of
   Contents feature, support for inline use of polls, and better overall look
   and feel.
   - Resources has support for drag and drop adding of files from desktop
   for all browsers, and support for folder drag and drop in Chrome.
   - Syllabus Tool updated with a new interface, bulk update of syllabus
   items, accordion view, and better handling of link migration.
   - Gradebook added support for extra credit.
   - Distributed Cacheing provides support for JCache/JSR-107 which
   includes improvement to the default cache sizes and better control by
   configuration. Session replication to failover from one server to another
   without losing session data. Overall provides better performance for large
   Sakai installation (though please note that these features are not turned
   on by default OOTB).
   - Project Keitai (mobile) improved REST API support in anticipation of
   Sakai Mobile applications.
   - Security Updates - The Sakai community fixed about 50 security issues
   including various XSS issues and CSRF issues.  AntiSamy is on by default in
   Sakai 2.9.3 and Sakai 10. AntiSamy ensures that user supplied HTML/CSS is
   in compliance within an application's rules.
   - Student Success Portal - new integration available.
   - Java - added support for JDK 7.x. JDK 8.x support is in process of
   being added.
   - Sakai technical organization simplified - Reincorporated many of the
   "Indies" to make management of Sakai releases and reporting of issues

Release notes available in English, Spanish and Chinese

Neal Caidin
Sakai Community Coordinator
Apereo Foundation
neal.caidin at apereo.org
Skype me! (but let me know in advance for the first interaction) - nealkdin

accessibility mailing list
accessibility at collab.sakaiproject.org

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*Diego del Blanco Orobitg*
Spain & LATAM Regional Manager (*ANI Sakai*)
Apereo LATAM Representative (*Apereo Foundation*)

P: (+34) 653 683 489
E: ddelblanco at anisakai.com
Sk: ddelblanco.ani
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