[samigo-team] Samigo audio recording load test - Javascript issue

Daniel Merino daniel.merino at unavarra.es
Tue Jul 1 05:46:53 PDT 2014

Hi everybody.

After some problems in the past and a recent hardware improvement, we 
have done a test in Samigo 2.9.2 with 250 concurrent users, in a test 
with two audio recording questions.

The server load has gone fine. After applying SAK-25677, the used memory 
has had a huge decrease and the CPU load has had only a few peaks up to 90%.

However, some applet windows (7 out of 36 in my classroom) have 
experienced an issue similar to the described at 
https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAM-1788 for Chrome. After clicking 
on "Save/Close", the applet window is halted at "Processing..." and no 
button is active. The file is sent, but users think that the system has 

Looking in browser console, all the computers with issues had the next 
error log:

[11:09:16.821] TypeError: document.links[newindex].onclick is not a
function @

that seems to happen in  samigo/samigo-app/src/webapp/js/delivery.js . 
The correctly sent questions did not have this error log.

All the computers were clones in a classroom, with the same Windows 7 / 
Firefox 24.0, so I think this could be due to some kind of concurrence 
problem. But Tomcat's log does not have any related message.

Has anybody found something similar? And if you did, how did you fix it? 
Should I file a JIRA for this, having that right now the HTML5 has 
replaced that old applet in Sakai 10?

Please, I need some help with this. If you need more info, do not 
hesitate in asking me.

Many thanks in advance.
Best regards.
Daniel Merino Echeverría
daniel.merino at unavarra.es
Gestor de E-learning - Centro Superior de Innovación Educativa.
Tfno: 948-168489 - Universidad Pública de Navarra.

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