[samigo-team] Performance issues with question pools

Jim Mezzanotte jmezzanotte at anisakai.com
Tue Nov 5 10:35:52 PST 2013

Hi Samigo team,

We're encountering navigation slowdowns when using question
pools--approx 20 seconds for the "question pool" page to display after
clicking "question pool" in the menu bar, and general slowness when
navigating among subpools.

The initial report involved an instructor with almost 200 questions in
one pool, but we confirmed slowdowns for users with much less (60
questions). The slowdowns are also occurring in unpublished sites that
have no or small rosters, and occurring while attempting to add
multiple subpools that don't yet contain any questions.

Thanks in advance if anyone can share advice/previous experience on this--

Jim Mezzanotte
Asahi Net International

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