[samigo-team] Poor performance in 2.9.x gradebook because of Samigo isAssignmentDefined

Sam Ottenhoff ottenhoff at longsight.com
Wed Aug 21 11:00:19 PDT 2013

This is a heads-up on a major performance degradation in 2.9.x because of
the new ExternalAssignmentProvider interface.

In a class with 30 Samigo assessments sent to the gradebook, ideally, this
would generate at most 30 database queries to check isAssignmentDefined.
 Instead it produces over 50,000 because of Hibernate eager loading.  When
the assessment is loaded by Hibernate (pas.getPublishedAssessment(id)) it
looks like this loads all sections, items, answers, answer attachments, and
answer feedback.  I saw 49k queries alone for answer feedback.... The JIRA
is here:


I am leaning towards rewriting this to be simple database queries... If
anyone has explored this already, please let me know.

code: samigo-services/src/java/org/sakaiproject/tool/assessment/integration/helper/integrated/AssessmentGradeInfoProvider.java

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