[sakai2-tcc] Which version of LB should I use in

Hedrick Charles hedrick at rutgers.edu
Sat Mar 16 17:57:37 PDT 2013

trunk is 1.5-SNAPSHOT
2.9.x branch is 1.4-SNAPSHOT

For every 2.9 tag there is a corresponding Lessons tag with the same version. The release script automatically makes the Lessons tag at the same time as the Sakai tag.

I used to do separate releases, but at this point Lessons gets its best QA as part of the Sakai release process, so it makes sense just to use the Sakai releases and tags. I've considered changing the version number to be the same as Sakai's.

1.4 and 1.5 are very close. 1.5 has a couple of new features that aren't tested well enough to release. But I do most normal patches to both, holding back as we approach a release, but then putting the patches held back in as soon as the release snapshot has been done. 

I only plan to maintain two versions at a time. The code will work back to Sakai 2.7 I believe, even for the latest Lessons. If I use a new kernel feature, I call it by introspection so the code will build on old versions. I build 2.8 binaries for every 2.9 release. I believe there are sites using it with both 2.6 and 2.7, but I only test it back to 2.8.

On Mar 16, 2013, at 5:54:36 PM, Charles Severance <csev at umich.edu> wrote:

> OK - I get that.   But what exact version?   I can see for my trunk aimed at Sakai 2.10 I should go with 1.5-SNAPSHOT
> But for my branches/tags aimed at 2.9.2 / 2.9-x it seems like I should use an explicit version 1.4.n and eschew the use of SNAPSHOT.
> /Chuck
> On Mar 16, 2013, at 4:43 PM, Hedrick Charles wrote:
>> Use the one that goes with your system, 1.4 for 2.9, 1.5 for 2.10. For your purposes there's no difference. There are some additional features in 2.10, but I'm guessing they don't affect your code. The main difference is that we can now store properties for item instances. That allows a tool like yours to have configuration information without having to modify the schema.

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