[sakai2-tcc] Improving Database Connection Support

John Bush john.bush at rsmart.com
Wed Mar 13 22:25:18 PDT 2013

I actually think going back to the standard J2EE way using jndi and
configuring stuff in a container specific way would be a step
backwards, furthermore it would complicate configuration which I think
goes against one of the other items you brought up (too many ways of
doing configuration).

Since we are configuring our datasource (and every other service) via
Spring, I think we need a Spring way of doing this, maybe using
HotSwappableTargetSource would work, seems like there are some example
of people using it for exactly this purpose:

For metrics and root cause detection, I'm not sure that is really
stuff we want to build into the app, have you looked at appdynamics or
something like that.  Its a bit expensive but even the free version is
useful, you only get to keep 2 hours of data with it, but when all
hell breaks loose 2 hours is good enough. You can very easily see
exactly what caused your problem, for root cause detection in
production, there is no better java tool on the market, I even use it
instead of yourkit at this point in dev/qa.

The idea of managing (killing/restating) the connections at runtime
scare me a bit, I'm not going to even touch that one.

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 9:42 PM, David Adams <da1 at vt.edu> wrote:
> David Adams wrote:
>> 5. Lack of support for database failover except through driver indirection.
> Okay, so this is an issue close to my heart, and is probably an easier
> fix than introducing an entirely new component to the architecture.
> Here's the scenario: We have two Oracle database servers set up in an
> active-passive failover structure. The config works great, and we can
> failover in a few seconds. However, Sakai doesn't cooperate, and you
> have to reconfigure and restart the app servers to regain
> connectivity. Luckily, Oracle's full JDBC driver supports the
> failover completely transparently, right? Oh, except Sakai doesn't do
> JDBC the standard way, so no dice.
> I've been toying around inside the SakaiBasicDataSource class and the
> various other hacks around commons-pool on and off for the past year
> trying to find a safe workaround to allow me to either watch for
> busted connections and restart them on the standby db host, or just to
> force a complete rebuild of the database connection pool. This latter
> is what I've settled on by providing a resetDataSource method in my
> extension class that I can call through our custom REST-RPC servlet,
> which just trashes the connection pool and updates the bean properties
> so that the next call to createDataSource from the app will regenerate
> the pool with the new settings.
> I've yet to move my hacky code out to production, and honestly I'd rather
> not have to resort to such a messy solution.
> Here's what Noah proposed:
> Noah Botimer wrote:
>> First step: undo our weird binding to a very old DBCP and allow a real
>> DataSource to be plugged in -- whatever pool or config you need.
>> Second step: pick the Tomcat pool by default and document how to switch
>> if you need something else (hint: should be very standard and basically
>> link to JDK/Tomcat docs).
> So are you talking about, eg, setting up a Resource in server.xml, and
> binding to that, or something else? I admit I'm unfamiliar with Tomcat
> SOPs as I've been so immersed in Sakai for so long that "correct" Tomcat
> usage is often foreign to me.
>> Third step: add some better connection/query/transaction/request metrics
>> that work OOTB so implementors can better see what's going on and decide
>> what to do about it.
> This is very important. Ideally, we need to be able to peek into the
> status of connections, find out what those hung active connections are
> up to, and selectively kill/restart/tweak them on the fly.
> I'm definitely on board with this project if there's someone to
> partner up with who understands exactly how Sakai has hijacked DBCP
> and where all the tendrils lead. Obviously, my situation is just one
> scenario, but it seems like any legal JDBC connection ought to be
> valid for Sakai. If we can configure it in the "standard" way as well
> that's another win.
> Anyone have any other thoughts?
> -dave
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John Bush

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