[sakai2-tcc] [Building Sakai] Assignments Shows Wrong Submission For Student

Charles Severance csev at umich.edu
Wed Mar 6 06:30:23 PST 2013

On Mar 6, 2013, at 7:59 AM, May, Megan Marie wrote:

> FWIW IU has 100% adopted Assignments2 and continues to make bug fixes and small enhancements to it.     There were many features from A1 that IU didn't implement - simply because our users were not using them.   We did extensive research on this with our usability lab alongside analysis of feature usage.  
> Similar to Forums, we would have/will work with groups willing to do development to port those features over.  Unfortunately, none seemed to step up.   Assignments 2 wasn't a fork of A1 - it's a completely separate tool.   
> Megan

This is great and a fine example of the right way to approach these things.  Schools doing a good job meeting their local needs and letting others benefit from their work and adopt it as desired.   Those who chose to adopt can work together and evolve the product based on collective needs.   I am quite sure that A2 is a fine tool and well loved by its users - I am not criticizing A2 at all.

Mneme would be a similar situation.   No intent for feature parity but very useful in some situations, high quality software, and well-loved by those who use it extensively.  But we should not put Mneme in trunk to avoid fixing a few bugs in Samigo.

The mistake is when we decide (almost on a whim) that it should drop a completely rewrite into trunk in the next release.   We should fix that which is in trunk and let A2 progress along its natural path - which is great.

A2 is great and people can use it if they want - there is nothing stopping them - we (the leadership) should not force unwilling adopters to convert - there is *no* win there.

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