[sakai2-tcc] Summarizing Tool Survey Comments

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Wed Jul 24 05:23:08 PDT 2013


I'm making an effort to summarize the Tool Survey comments. If you recall, the Comments on the survey were optional. 

Inspired by something I saw somewhere on the interwebs, I've come up with this:


The original idea I saw, summarized comments from a survey as positive, negative or mixed. I thought it would be more useful to categorize the types of comments. My categorizations came from the actual comments themselves. As I encountered new comments that did not fit in an existing category, I created a new one. I've gone through about a dozen tools so far.


Development resources - a comment that if additional improvements were planned for the tool, the institution anticipates contributing resources
Too complex - the tool is too complex for users
Performance issues - the tool cannot handle the volume capacity at a given institution
Alternative Tool preference - this indicated that an alternative is being used, or given serious consideration, or better meets existing needs, etc.
Request for Feature or Bug fix - sometimes these are specific suggestions. Other times, they are just general comments that the tool could use attention.
Information Only - Things like "x % of our users use the tool" or "we are planning on trying this out soon", that sort of thing. About  1/3 of the comments are information only.
High Use - special mention of high tool usage
Low Use - special mention of low tool usage. Though a common nuance is that the tool is only used by a few but is very important to those few folks.

Before I put in more effort into this summary, I'm wondering if you think it is useful to TCC and is it something we would want to publish to the Community, once complete?


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