[sakai2-tcc] CLE 2.9.4 vs CLE 2.10 effort

Charles Severance csev at umich.edu
Fri Aug 30 15:24:32 PDT 2013

On Aug 30, 2013, at 11:28 AM, Noah Botimer <botimer at umich.edu> wrote:

> My rationale is: there is a ton of stuff (without a good list) already in trunk without major restructuring, etc. There are things "on the roadmap" that might or might not come to be, like crazy portal cleanup, offloading of DB messaging and logging, major module restructuring, source control changes, build tool changes, better responsive support, and more. Holding the already-done stuff hostage for bold initiatives is not a victory for anyone. Charging forward with a mish-mash of a few known and a bunch of unknown things with a brand new 4.0 label is also not a victory. If there is a "marketing shot" to be fired, it should be better planned than "we're tired of calling it 2.x".

I am not a fan of saying - we can't call it "4.0" until we meet some set of this that and another thing.

If we had some minimum number of major new features we wanted, we could for example rename "Site Stats" to "Analytics" and use that to justify the 4.0 moniker.  Adding Analytics would be big.

I also agree with Mark that code names are just code names and make us sound cooler when we talk about the releases - the artifacts, snapshots and releases will have real numbers. But if we have code names - we can say cool things like this:

"I think that Sticky Sessions should not be a priority in the in the MapleBacon release but instead delayed until the HoneyCruller release."

Perhaps an even cooler idea would be to use code names for releases - but each of us can make up our own code names for the releases.   Then when people monitor our mailing lists we will seem extremely clever and complex.


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