[sakai2-tcc] PROPOSAL: switch to lazy consensus when considering community release proposals (VOTE)

May, Megan Marie mmmay at iu.edu
Mon Aug 26 05:49:21 PDT 2013


-----Original Message-----
From: sakai2-tcc-bounces at collab.sakaiproject.org [mailto:sakai2-tcc-bounces at collab.sakaiproject.org] On Behalf Of Aaron Zeckoski
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2013 9:31 PM
To: Anthony Whyte
Cc: sakai2-tcc Committee
Subject: Re: [sakai2-tcc] PROPOSAL: switch to lazy consensus when considering community release proposals (VOTE)


On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 3:08 PM, Anthony Whyte <arwhyte at umich.edu> wrote:
> It has been observed that roll call votes on community release 
> proposals add little value to the release process, especially so given 
> the number of TCC/PMC members actively engaged in release work.  In 
> addition, the voting period, which can range between three and five 
> calendar days depending on when a vote is called, often delay final 
> release preparations without any discernible benefits accruing to 
> either contributors engaged in release work or community members waiting for the distributions we produce.
> The chair proposes that we cease requiring a formal roll call vote for 
> approving a release and instead switch to "lazy consensus" approval as 
> outlined in the proposal below.  In short, those actively engaged in 
> final release preparations can assume community support unless a valid 
> objection is raised by a PMC member or committer within a specified 
> (and expedited) time period.
> Community members are free to indicate support for a proposal with a 
> reply of +1; however, recall that under lazy consensus such votes--and 
> the associated email traffic--are superfluous since under the terms of 
> "lazy consensus" silence equals consent.
> Proposal
> 1. Proposals for issuing a community release will operate under the 
> "lazy consensus" model.
> 2. Release proposals are considered public statements of intent.  The 
> sakai-dev mailing list will serve as the designated channel for all 
> community-release proposals, discussion and objections.
> 3. It is expected that release proposals will be authored by 
> contributors who are both active in release work and best informed as 
> to the status of the proposed release.
> 4. Release proposals will provide an explicit date when the release 
> work will commence and provide a minimum 48-hour review 
> window--measured in calendar time, not "working day" time--for TCC/PMC 
> members and committers to raise a material objection before consent 
> can be assumed (e.g., X intends to release Y commencing on date Z 
> unless a valid objection is raised within Z - 48 hours).
> 5.  Objections to a release proposal must include an explanation 
> describing why the proposal should be rejected.  In general, 
> objections should be sent via the sakai-dev mailing list; any 
> objections made without an accompanying explanation or raised on lists 
> other than sakai-dev (security issues
> excepted) will be ignored.  Security-related objections must NOT be 
> raised on any public list but instead be forwarded directly to the 
> Sakai Security Working Group for review.
> 6.  Valid objections raised by TCC/PMC members or committers will 
> block a release; objections raised by other community members will be 
> taken under advisement but will not be considered blocking unless 
> supported by a TCC/PMC member or committer.
> 7. Contributors engaged in release work must roll back any work 
> associated with a valid objection.
> Polls open
> Voting on the question is now OPEN and will conclude no later than 
> Tuesday,
> 27 August 2013, 23:59 UTC.
> As a reminder, this is a public, on-list vote with a "+1" signifying 
> approval. Per our governance documents, a -1 vote must be accompanied 
> by a detailed explanation. A single -1 vote based on a material 
> objection will block action. However, -1 blocking votes can be 
> overridden by a 2/3 majority roll call vote of active TCC members.
> Cheers,
> Anth
> anthony whyte | its and mlibrary | university of michigan | 
> arwhyte at umich.edu | 517-980-0228
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