[sakai2-tcc] Discuss: should we be using lombok in Sakai?

Matthew Buckett matthew.buckett at it.ox.ac.uk
Thu Aug 15 02:07:14 PDT 2013

> people right now, then I think a little helper library that makes code
> elegant and easy to read is acceptable.

I agree that if you have the IDE plugin installed and have used lombok
before this is true.

With most code being read many more times than it's written I tend to
prefer that a little gets in the way of people understanding what the
code is doing and see lombok generally as a extra barrier.

I don't feel strongly either way but personally tend to prefer code
without lombok.

As Noah said I don't think we should mandate this either way for tool
developers. When Lombok gets used in core APIs then I think the maven
sources JARs also end up with the lombok annotations in them so it
becomes a bit more infectious as you won't be able to find the source
for some parts of a class. Does lombok provide anywhere to put the
documentation if you no longer have the getter and setter?

  Matthew Buckett, VLE Developer, IT Services, University of Oxford

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