[sakai2-tcc] Discuss: should we be using lombok in Sakai?

Charles Severance csev at umich.edu
Tue Aug 13 12:41:51 PDT 2013

I think that the notion is "it is up to tool writers" and "it is not in the kernel" are both good compromises.

In the particular code I was talking about, it is also used outside of Sakai in jar or source form.  I won't be using lombok on that code for the simple fact that I don't want to explain it to potential adoptees.   I even avoided Apache logging in that code to make it as clean and simple as it could be.

Even though it is tempting as a vi users, I love less code, I have not yet used lombok in my Sakai-only code either.   Over the past 10 years, I have become more conservative in my willingness to super-charge Java and use patterns that are not naturally occurring in Java.

I like the basics like Portlets, Velocity, JSP (wish I could figure out JSTL), factory patterns, etc etc..

I like keeping the kernel really basic.

I don't want to be anti-lombok either.


On Aug 13, 2013, at 3:23 PM, Aaron Zeckoski <azeckoski at unicon.net> wrote:

> None of the frontend frameworks cause the IDE to report that code is broken.
> That said, I take it Matt or Noah are volunteering to update the docs
> to document the "easiest" process then which I think is excellent.
> Please do also send out a note to the dev list with the updated docs
> so that at least current dev list people are aware of this. Imagine
> yourself as a new dev who does not even know what lombok is and all
> they see is code which does not compile. Document from that approach
> and I think things will be fine.
> We should not use this in kernel until it hits at least a 1.0 release
> though. I am happy to spend the time generating the getters and
> setters for anyone who cannot be bothered to do it. Please just let me
> know when there is a case in kernel where generating a getter or
> setter is too much effort and I will jump in and take care of it.
> -AZ

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