[sakai2-tcc] Update on Mobile

Neal Caidin nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org
Thu Sep 27 18:45:45 PDT 2012

It was a fairly open meeting and the conversation roamed a bit. No decisions were made. I think it shows we probably need further conversation and direction on these issues (except the mobile part, which was fairly straightforward). I'll try and summarize some of the topics at a high level:

* We discussed the tension between wanting to grow the community of developers, and the risk of growing in an unsustainable way. We talked about the need to support experienced developers in engaging with the process (making sure that they have svn commit access, understand the various processes, etc.)  We bandied about various strategies, plus and minus for these kinds of things. Some of this emerged out of my question of how submitted patches are handled on the CLE release call earlier in the day.

* We brought up the issue of planning of 2.10 release and beyond. We discussed the importance of starting this planning soon, and how we could make it transparent. We discussed various ways to engage the community. We had some concerns expressed that sometimes the planning process has been too short in the past to get the input that is needed (at least one person's opinion) and explored when the next planning process might start and whether the 2.10 release should be one process and long term planning another. 

* The need for a project name for the mobile effort was clarified by Dr. Chuck, and it seemed like the group had a positive consensus around the rationale for asking the U of Florida and associates to choose a new and  not-too-generic name. The idea being that there could potentially be several mobile efforts over time and if we call this one THE mobile effort, it could make it difficult to launch other mobile-related projects without causing confusion in the community. I hope that is a good paraphrase.

I think that covers the main themes in a broad-brush sense. I'm still thinking about the best way to schedule these TCC - CLE coordinator meetings. I'm encouraged by the participation at the last couple of meetings, because we've had a number of folks who had not attended previous meetings pop-in to listen or participate. (It's hard to keep track because not everyone shows up on Calliflower.  Today we had Mark Norton, John Bush, Anthony W., Beth K., Chuck S., Sam O., myself, and I'm not sure if I am missing some folks?).

And somebody drew a goat (I cannot take credit though this does accurately represent the level of my drawing acumen). We did have some goats discussion and how it is not fun to watch them for too long - a metaphor for the 2.9.0 release :-). 


On Sep 27, 2012, at 7:20 PM, "May, Megan Marie" <mmmay at indiana.edu> wrote:

> Will someone being sending out notes from this meeting?
> Megan 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sakai2-tcc-bounces at collab.sakaiproject.org [mailto:sakai2-tcc-bounces at collab.sakaiproject.org] On Behalf Of Neal Caidin
> Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 8:51 AM
> To: Sakai Technical Coordination Committee 2
> Subject: [sakai2-tcc] Update on Mobile
> Hi All,
> This could be added to the agenda for this afternoon's meeting, though I don't have anything to add beyond this status on the U of Florida mobile initiative.
> * The work necessary to make CLE "mobile enabled,"  has been defined.
> * The project is now official (recognized by the Sakai Foundation board) and the work is funded (not by the Foundation, by U of F). 
> * The initial target will be to feed code updates to the 2.10 trunk with possible/probably back-porting to 2.9. 
> * A steering committee has been established (UF, Oxford, Notre Dame, UNC Chapel Hill, Leaning Forward Technologies, LLC, Ian Dolphin, ex officio) but has not yet met to approve the proposed work and payment.
> * The search for a project name is underway. 
> * This project will probably be a test case to go through the Jasig incubation process.
> Cheers,
> Neal Caidin
> Sakai CLE Community Coordinator
> nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org
> Skype: nealkdin
> AIM: ncaidin at aol.com
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