[sakai2-tcc] Planning for Sakai 2.10 and beyond

Jean-Francois Leveque jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr
Tue Sep 25 00:50:49 PDT 2012

As long as discussions lead to a summary and decisions are not made at 
the meeting while members cannot attend, I don't mind.


On 24/09/2012 22:10, Neal Caidin wrote:
> Reminder: TCC CLE meeting this Thursday at 4 pm Eastern time (8 pm GMT). More reminders coming soon. 4 pm Thursday is our new standard meeting time, at least for the present (was the best time indicated by those who responded to a Doodle poll).
> +1 for having a discussion of 2.10 planning and Beyond 2.10 Planning in the near future.
> When is the timing right for this? Should we wait for the 2.9.0 release to get out the door first?  Digression - Wouldn't it be cool to get 2.9.0 released before Educause so we could make a grand announcement? Educause is the week of November 5th.
> Should the planning be split into 2 parts - 2.10, so we can keep the movement of updates going and not lose our momentum , and then a separate thread for longer term?
> A couple of my thoughts on the matter (and I get a pass from harsh criticism because I'm a newbie. I have at least 4 months left to claim this :-) ):
> 1) Having clear goals and a roadmap is more likely to help grow the circle of participation. Especially if those goals map up with individual institutional priorities at some level. The more specific we can be, the more institutions and individual contributors will be able to assess if participation will be fruitful for them. We would hope that all Sakai CLE institutions would recognize the value of participating now, and the value to themselves and the community as a whole, but sometimes it takes a little something extra to get this going.
> 2)
> 2a) Let's be careful about mixing strategies with problems statements/goals. Having a governance board or management is an example of a strategy. What are the underlying needs for having such a structure? Let's focus on the needs and later decide whether or not the current structure can sustain the effort or if a different structure or management is necessary. Punt. Let's not make this a roadblock to discussion.
> 2b) Keep an open mind. It is good to learn from the past and be wary of doing the same thing that failed before and no point in doing the same thing and failing again, but maybe there is a different way of doing it that can be successful? Note, this may seem to contradict #2a. :-).
> 3) It seems like one thing we probably can all agree on is that we need to do a better job establishing and communicating Sakai CLE priorities. Correct? Maybe we can start by focusing on the things we can agree on.
> 4) A suggestion about topics which strike an emotional nerve. Consider assuming positive intent of the people with whom you are engaged in an argument. This can be a powerful tool, though not always easy. In my experience it is fairly normal for people who have similar passions but differing viewpoints to get caught up in the emotion of it. I have been there several times. That's actually a cool thing to remember too, imho.
> -- Neal
> Neal Caidin
> Sakai CLE Community Coordinator
> nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org
> Skype: nealkdin
> AIM: ncaidin at aol.com

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