[sakai2-tcc] Planning for Sakai 2.10 and beyond

Charles Severance csev at umich.edu
Mon Sep 24 07:19:45 PDT 2012

On Sep 24, 2012, at 10:10 AM, Steve Swinsburg wrote:

> I agree Chuck, there have been mistakes made in the past in the management space. But let us learn from those mistakes, we don't need to repeat them. Not all management is bad - we can gain a huge amount by doing as Vanilla Ice said we should do, "stop, collaborate and listen", checking in on what the market is doing and what the users of our system want, gathering requirements and then going from there.


(a) The TCC *is* management and it is doing an outstanding job of managing the Sakai CLE

(b) In the past 10 years of Sakai, there has been no example where an initiative to "lets add some management" that has been a net win.

The TCC as management was not a result of "lets add some management" - it was a reaction to all the other failed efforts to "add management" form above.  The TCC "management comes "from below".

We have met the management and they are us.  Lets not advocate for the creation of some structure above us.


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