[sakai2-tcc] Annotation based injection within Sakai components

Aaron Zeckoski azeckoski at unicon.net
Thu May 17 04:18:31 PDT 2012

I created a confluence page for the TCC conference meetings so please
feel free to go crazy with adding topics to the agenda. I put some of
these on there and I will leave it to others to flesh out the list
(for now anyway).



On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 11:50 PM, Steve Swinsburg
<steve.swinsburg at gmail.com> wrote:
> I go to sleep and this happens! We are a passionate bunch :)
> Chuck's list is good and I expect some healthy discussions and decisions to
> come out of the TCC meetings at the conference. Last year's discussions were
> great, we got real work done. Go us!
> I would, however, really like to make some technology changes that allow us
> to move our stack into this decade *without* breaking everything.
> Back to David's list:
> 1) Spring 3
> 2) Moving to the tomcat 6/7 classloader layout
> 3) Removal of deprecated API methods
> [4) anything I missed?]
> Out of these what would be non breaking changes?
> 1. I haven't fully investigated yet but from the patch attached to KNL-517
> it looks like it is just dependencies. Are there any code changes?
> 2. Doable with the Sakai Maven plugin - reduces additional Tomcat config
> required. Tools that bind to newer versions of CLE would automatically be
> deployed that way, tools that bind to older releases would be deployed in
> the old layout. Backwards compatible.
> 3. Depending on what this is it may be more disruptive. Risk mitigated
> somewhat by documenting how people move from one to another. I'm easily
> swung to *not* have this included and then contrib tools live happily ever
> after.
> 4. Could be keeping our shared libraries up to date, which we are generally
> quite good at anyway. Maybe a review/cleanup.
> I've just finished running a 10 week bootcamp course here and the top two
> feedback criticisms were that we had to use older versions of things when
> developing in Sakai, AND the tomcat restart issue. It would be nice if we
> could make that a bit easier for people without requiring a whole re-write.
> cheers,
> Steve
> On 17/05/2012, at 5:52 AM, Nate Angell wrote:
> I wrote a Drupal module ;)
> = nate
> On May 16, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Charles Severance <csev at umich.edu> wrote:
> On May 16, 2012, at 11:48 AM, Matthew Jones wrote:
> Well, how long does it take a new developer who has never used Sakai
> Services before to write a new tool that integrates with
> assignment/gradebook/assessments/calendar/entitybroker.
> My guess would easily be months. So this makes/keeps the development pool
> for Sakai small (a fixed ~10-15 devs?)
> Matt - How many developers are waiting in the wings to work on the CLE where
> the ease of learning is the reason they are not coding?  Zero.  Lets not
> solve a problem we don't have and break all the contrib tools.
> OAE spent five years claiming to make it easier to have new developers write
> tools - they have made this a core theme of their design and have not
> achieved "easy to learn".
> Facebook FBML is a mess and hard to learn...
> Moodle Modules are a total pain.
> Building Blocks ... Aargh.  You pretty much need a mentor on the inside who
> looks at Bb source code when you get stuck.
> OLAT extension point is elegant but massively painful.
> The simple answer is that none of these "internal" extension points work.
> It is silly to try to make Sakai CLE extensions "easy" by changing the
> kernel.  No major LMS has produced an extension point that is both powerful
> and easy.
> LTI is easy.   But not all-powerful.
> /Chuck
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Aaron Zeckoski - Software Architect - http://tinyurl.com/azprofile

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