[sakai2-tcc] Annotation based injection within Sakai components

Nate Angell nangell at rsmart.com
Wed May 16 12:52:32 PDT 2012

I wrote a Drupal module ;)

= nate

On May 16, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Charles Severance <csev at umich.edu> wrote:

> On May 16, 2012, at 11:48 AM, Matthew Jones wrote:
>> Well, how long does it take a new developer who has never used Sakai Services before to write a new tool that integrates with assignment/gradebook/assessments/calendar/entitybroker.
>> My guess would easily be months. So this makes/keeps the development pool for Sakai small (a fixed ~10-15 devs?)
> Matt - How many developers are waiting in the wings to work on the CLE where the ease of learning is the reason they are not coding?  Zero.  Lets not solve a problem we don't have and break all the contrib tools.
> OAE spent five years claiming to make it easier to have new developers write tools - they have made this a core theme of their design and have not achieved "easy to learn".
> Facebook FBML is a mess and hard to learn...
> Moodle Modules are a total pain.
> Building Blocks ... Aargh.  You pretty much need a mentor on the inside who looks at Bb source code when you get stuck.
> OLAT extension point is elegant but massively painful.
> The simple answer is that none of these "internal" extension points work.   It is silly to try to make Sakai CLE extensions "easy" by changing the kernel.  No major LMS has produced an extension point that is both powerful and easy.
> LTI is easy.   But not all-powerful.
> /Chuck
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