[sakai2-tcc] 2.8 to support tomcat7

Steve Swinsburg steve.swinsburg at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 17:23:28 PST 2012

Hi all,

I just went to download the latest Tomcat 5.5, and noticed a prominent red message about the pending EOL of the Tomcat 5.5 line in September this year.

I know this is an old notice (August last year) however it is enough to put off any deployer from running a version of 2.8 THIS year, since that requires Tomcat 5.5. If we keep the current release cycle, 2.10 will be released April or so in 2013. But 2.8 will still be supported until that time, which means it is running on Tomcat 5.5, unsupported, for 6 months.

So I suggest that we do some work to backport the adjustments that were needed for Sakai 2.9 to run in Tomcat 7, and have them in a future maintenance release of 2.8. Then there will be support for Tomcat 7 if people want/need to upgrade, but it will still run on 5.5 if they want to stay on that platform.



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