[sakai2-tcc] CLE Coordinator update for TCC

Neal Caidin nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org
Thu Aug 16 10:27:18 PDT 2012

Hi All,

Since last we met I've had a phone meeting with Megan May and Alan Berg about the QA process. They both expressed openness to giving me feedback on any ideas or plans I might come up with for changing and improving QA. 

Just spent the last couple of days at UMich. Met with Beth and her team, plus Matt, Noah and Anthony. On Tuesday afternoon me, Matt, Beth and Anthony reviewed blocker tickets and made some good progress (knocked down by about 1/2, I think). On Wednesday Noah went into more depth with me about Jira, showed the connections with SVN, discussed Security, and had me sign the CLA, with Chris M. subsequently granting me commit access. We installed SVN on my laptop and reviewed some things through command line and through the svn web access. Noah fixed an open Jira, which was a properties fix, so he was able to show me step-by-step the process he uses, his thought process and the conventions. Wednesday afternoon I worked on my own and asked questions as needed, mostly with Matt. 

I think I'm mostly on track for the Onboarding. Been thinking a lot about the 2.9 release and wanting to get a firm date and criteria to get that out the door. We have notes about those things from today's CLE meeting and I'll be sending at least one email to the CLE team to get feedback on some of what was discussed. Neither Sam nor Aaron were at the CLE meeting, so getting the feedback will be important and maybe we can make some firm decisions by the next CLE meeting (I think Aaron is still out for that one, but Sam should be back).

The hospitality has been great. I know everybody is busy and especially with back to school on top of everything else, for the next several weeks, so I understand the difficulty in attending the CC (community coordinator) check-in.


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