[sakai2-tcc] Sakai 2.7.2 and Sakai 2.8.1

Beth Kirschner bkirschn at umich.edu
Wed Nov 2 10:44:03 PDT 2011

Hi everyone,

   This past September we released quietly 2.7.2 and this past October we quietly released 2.8.1, both with Anthony's help. It's been pointed out to me that we never made a formal announcement of either (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), but I think that given the change in Anthony's responsibilities, it's likely that this was missed. 

   I'd like to compose an email announcement that retroactively announces these two releases (wording to be vetted with this group), but first thought it worthwhile to put to a vote whether or not we're comfortable formally announcing these releases. Please let me know by the end of this week of any issues that you think should be addressed prior to a formal, retroactive announcement. Following this discussion, I'll put it to a vote.

- Beth

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