[sakai2-tcc] Fwd: New Foundation - Incubation Process Discussion

csev csev at umich.edu
Wed Dec 21 16:27:36 PST 2011


I can't make any of the meetings since I teach Tue-Thu pretty solid.   

I would just add this bit of comment to the discussion about the JASig incubation process.  JASig seems to (for some unknown reason) to actually have volunteers willing to work on the Incubation committee and really help incoming projects.   We in Sakai are always suspicious about processes where it seems that some kind of approval layer has been added with no value that comes from that approval layer.  

We are suspicious because those layers almost never represent useful resources - just more meetings and more delay and less ability to get work done with increasingly scarce resources.   JASig has matured as a multi-project organization and does have a real, live group that does help incoming projects in a way that those projects self-report after the fact that they assistance was useful.

I would suggest looking at the document assuming that the folks on the incubation committee are real and useful and committed to the success of the groups they work with. 


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