[sakai2-tcc] Fwd: New Foundation - Incubation Process Discussion

Beth Kirschner bkirschn at umich.edu
Mon Dec 19 07:53:30 PST 2011

Hi everyone,

   The Sakai & JaSig merger is getting closer, and as Ian mentions below, they have been working on a "incubation process" document for the new organization.:

   Please take a look at the above document when you get a chance (not necessary before the holidays), and we can have either an email or t-con discussion early next year. I took a first pass through the document and asked Ian some questions, which he's answered below.

- Beth

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Ian Dolphin <iandolphin at sakaifoundation.org>
> Date: December 18, 2011 1:38:13 PM EST
> To: Beth Kirschner <bkirschn at umich.edu>
> Cc: Goodrum David <goodrum at indiana.edu>
> Subject: Re: New Foundation - Incubation Process Discussion
> Thanks Beth
> We're getting into this area seriously in the New Year, so very timely...
> No-one has any other expectation than that this area will need a lot of work over time, btw.
> Comments inline
> Best
> Ian
> --
> Ian Dolphin
> Executive Director, Sakai Foundation
> iandolphin at sakaifoundation.org
> +44 7737 862863
> Twitter: d iandolphin24
> On 14 Dec 2011, at 20:23, Beth Kirschner wrote:
>> Hi Ian,
>> Good thing you asked for feedback by mid-December -- otherwise it would have sat in my inbox for much longer. I'm happy to circulate this by the TCC for additional comment, but first wanted to share my first impressions and questions.
>> 1) JIRA -- does JaSig have it's own JIRA instance, will they be using ours, will we move Sakai issue tracking to theirs?
> They have their own, we need to rationalize infrastructure. Not yet determined how.
>> 2) CLE Contrib projects could probably be considered either incubation components or unsponsored contributions -- I suspect this is ours to decide, but wondered if there was any existing expectations?
> Non whatsoever. Up for discussion.
>> 3) Would OAE be considered a supported project or an incubating project -- this question is somewhat for David, and I'm mostly curious how Sakai chooses to interpret what an incubating project is.
> The approach we have agreed with Jasig is that *all* existing projects would proceed through the incubation process, suitably amended, but more in the sense of an initial checklist.
>> 4) Projects need to conform to "Jasig guidelines" -- are these documented anywhere? There probably be a link from where they are referenced.
> This will be amended to [jasig-sakai] guidelines. They are/will be detailed in the by-laws and a separate process document
>> 5) Projects can be veto'd if they don't match with the Jasig "mission" -- is there a mission statement documented anywhere? This too should be linked from where it is referenced.
> New organisation mission will front the new by-laws. Personal opinion is that this will be applied in very general terms
>> 6) The "Infrastructure" requirements include "SVN module has been created on Jasig sever" -- this seems to disallow use of Git (OAE), and also would represent a moderate migration effort if we were to move all CLE SVN code to the jasig server.
> This is an area which needs amendment and appropriate broadening
>> Overall the workflow seems consistent of what we're doing now and shouldn't present any major roadblocks that I could see. Let me know what your thoughts are on my comments and then I'll pass this along to the rest of the TCC for discussion.
> Cool. Thanks for taking the time to look through this. I'll get back to you in the new year with details of how we're going to progress work in the area. But please feel free to circulate away ...
> Best
> Ian
>> Thanks,
>> - Beth
>> On Oct 7, 2011, at 4:55 AM, Ian Dolphin wrote:
>>> Hi Both
>>> One of the objectives of the merger of Sakai and Jasig is that we put in place - and continue to refine - an inclusive incubation process for software communities and communities of practice within the new organization. Jasig have such a process for software projects already in place, which is largely based on the Apache incubation process. We're using this as the starting point for a conversation in both Jasig and Sakai communities about what we need for the future. You can find the process outlined over at
>>> https://wiki.jasig.org/display/INCU/Incubation+Process
>>> I would be grateful if you could consider a means of enabling both the OAE and CLE core teams to consider this process, and suggest modifications based around their experience. Jasig have found the process helpful, but their projects tend to be of a very different nature to ours in several respects. I suspect that our communities will make several suggestions which will both broaden and strengthen the process as articulated. In addition to the direct experience of both TCC and OAE, I feel that this presents an opportunity to reflect collectively, with sufficient distance of time, on the experience of the Product Council, and make good use of both positive and negative aspects of that experience in shaping the future.
>>> I realize that I've just added a further burden to your already busy schedules. I therefore wanted to circulate this with plenty of time for discussion and response. In my opinion it's better that we spend a little longer getting this broadly correct than rushing. I'd also add that I do not anticipate that the result of this process will be fixed and immutable - part of the point, after all, is that incubation is a learning process for those mentoring, in addition to those mentored.
>>> If you could provide feedback by mid December, that would be most useful. If you feel there's a problem with this, please get in touch. Happy to field any questions, of course, and if required, participate in any conversations around the issue. As a footnote - Steve Swinsburg is a member of the Jasig incubation committee, and I'm sure he could be persuaded to amplify any details which might not be clear.
>>> Best
>>> Ian
>>> --
>>> Ian Dolphin
>>> Executive Director, Sakai Foundation
>>> iandolphin at sakaifoundation.org
>>> +44 7737 862863
>>> Twitter: d iandolphin24

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