[sakai2-tcc] DISCUSS: Adoption of 2.9 Release Schedule

Noah Botimer botimer at umich.edu
Fri Aug 19 16:03:52 PDT 2011


I have suspicions that the process around preparing and packaging releases is too taxing (in ways that may be resolved with some effort). Fundamentally, I support the timeline, but I do think we need to consider a bit of real overhaul and that may suggest a bit of delay or compression. It may also be the case that 2.10 should be a target for simplifying the process.


On Aug 15, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Beth Kirschner wrote:

> Having not received any further discussion, I'd like to open this issue for a vote, with the voting OPEN until Friday, August 19th at 23:59 UTC.
> As a reminder, this is a public, on-list vote with a "+1" signifying approval. Per our governance documents, a -1 vote must be accompanied by a detailed explanation. A single -1 vote based on a material objection will block action. However, -1 blocking votes can be overridden by a 2/3 majority roll call vote of active TCC members.
> - Beth
>>> On 09/08/2011 23:28, Beth Kirschner wrote:
>>>> At the LA Project Coordination Meetings a  release schedule that closely mirrors that of 2.8.0 was proposed for the 2.9.0 release and the consensus was to move forward with this recommendation. The schedule  is detailed at  https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/x/VIiCB and has been circulated to the community for comment.  Based on previous discussions, I've gone ahead and moved up the String Freeze date to coincide with the Code Freeze date. I'd like to put it to a vote next week, but please share any concerns or questions now.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> - Beth

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