[sakai2-tcc] Entity Picker

csev csev at umich.edu
Thu Aug 18 15:56:08 PDT 2011

Not yet a "-1" yet - but in working with Chuck Hedrick and Lesson Builder, it seems that at times Entities are a little fragile.  Folks change stuff in services and tools and forget to update entitybroker support for those things.

In a sense, whether this belongs "in" is likely more about how well the various services maintain their EB views than it is the picker itself.  I worry it could just be embarrassing to have stuff working and breaking and working.  Again neither EB nor Entity Picker would be "at fault" but it would break nonetheless.

Including it means we are on the hook for testing all the variations.   

I easily could be 100% wrong here and if someone has long experience running it in production, and they have none of the problems I imagine, I would be easily convinced.


On Aug 18, 2011, at 6:45 PM, Steve Swinsburg wrote:

> I assume this is fairly mature and is ok to run in production?
> Could it get it's own Jira project (like other contrib tools)?
> cheers,
> Steve

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