[sakai2-tcc] Status of 2.8 additions, deprecations, and other changes

Jean-Francois Leveque jean-francois.leveque at upmc.fr
Thu Sep 23 00:22:25 PDT 2010

We should at least document how to remove hybrid from the build for 
those who don't currently need it like my institution.

What the REST endpoints are said to do also seems available through 
webservices. Why not using the webservices ? How do we avoid duplicate 
code ?



Anthony Whyte a écrit :
> A stable release of hybrid is in the offing so don't be put off by the current snapshot binding in 2.8.x.  Hybrid also has a dependency of nakamura-utils, version 0.8, so at the moment there is a little bit of s3 in 2.8.x.
> <dependency>
>   <groupId>org.sakaiproject.nakamura</groupId>
>   <artifactId>org.sakaiproject.nakamura.utils</artifactId>
>  <version>0.8</version>
> </dependency>
> I understand there are some who have reservations about including hybrid in 2.8.0.  I assumed it was a go for 2.8 and helped Lance make it happen.  Removing the hybrid indie from 2.8.x, if that is the will of the TCC,  is a trivial operation, involving slight tweeks to two poms, one in the master pom and one in the core-deploy pom.  In trunk hybrid is included in the experimental build.  I think we should discuss the pros/cons of hybrid in a conference call before deciding if it should stay or it should go.
> Whatever we do, Lance and I have talked about moving hybrid out of git to the main svn as well as setting up a hybrid project in Jira (or creating a hybrid component in the SAK project).  Moving hybrid to svn simplifies version control management in my mind. 
> Cheers,
> Anth
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 11:26 AM, Speelmon, Lance Day wrote:
>> Please see my responses inline.  Thanks, L
>> Lance Speelmon
>> Scholarly Technologist
>> On Sep 21, 2010, at 4:35 PM, csev wrote:
>>> I would like a bit of clarification - are we talking about a whole new webapp?  Are parts of it in trunk already and has incoming changes or is this a big code drop?
>> Part of hybrid is a new webapp that contains two servlets which provide REST endpoints. One lists sites for a given user and the other lists pages and tools for a given site.  Both execute in the context of the current user and are protected by the usual Sakai authz.
>> SAK-17222 and SAK-17223 were merged into trunk yesterday and are unrelated to the webapp although they do bind to hybrid-util at 1.0-SNAPSHOT which Anthony kindly added to  hudson build/deploy/repo.  
>>> For me if this is changes to stuff that is already there that is off by default, I would support relaxing things.
>> SAK-17222 and SAK-17223 are both off by default.  The webapp REST endpoints are ON by default but could be easily be disabled by default if that is a concern.
>>> If this is a whole new code drop that we have not yet seen, I would think that maybe the rush and bending the rules is less worth it because it is likely under rapid development still and will need to be re-released as it evolves.
>>> So for me a little more detail would be helpful.
>>> /Chuck
>>> On Sep 21, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Anthony Whyte wrote:
>>>> Re: Hybrid.  Lance is working on release issues currently for his hybrid artifact (a single webapp war).  I prefer that he not feel rushed in his work.  If he can't make the freeze deadline, I recommend strongly that we do not exclude his work from the release but schedule it's inclusion for the alpha2 tag.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Anth
>>>>> - S3/Nakamura Hybrid (Lance Speelmon)
>>>>> Lance has circulated his proposal to us and MT. I think some more 
>>>>> discussion is probably warranted and a formal vote should be taken.
>>>> On Sep 19, 2010, at 10:30 PM, Seth Theriault wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> In the haze of the run-up to the 2.8 code freeze (TUESDAY, 23:59 UTC), 
>>>>> I'd like to re-summarize our actions on the proposed additions and 
>>>>> deprecations for the next release based on information presented on 2.8 
>>>>> page:
>>>>> http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/TCC/List+of+Planned+2.8.0+Changes
>>>>> What follows is my opinion, so I encourage your comments and corrections.
>>>>> There are some things that are in trunk and have been "approved" (by 
>>>>> vote or consensus), while other things haven't. For those things that 
>>>>> need discussion and votes, I suggest that we get it done by the end of 
>>>>> this week.
>>>>> == Deprecations
>>>>> All of the proposed deprecations and removals seem to be in good shape. 
>>>>> They have been discussed, approved, and for most part, committed.
>>>>> == Additions
>>>>> Additions are much more murky. My sense is the following:
>>>>> - CK Editor (Noah Botimer)
>>>>> Noah is on top of this and has communicated what he plans to do by the 
>>>>> CF. I think we need to "approve" this for the record by vote or otherwise.
>>>>> - BasicLTI Simple Outcomes (Chuck Severance)
>>>>> It's in trunk, has a test plan, and Chuck is supervising it closely.
>>>>> - ShortenedUrlService (Steve Swinsburg)
>>>>> Currently in contrib. Some discussion has occurred, but no consensus 
>>>>> seems to have emerged about if and where it should be put into trunk. I 
>>>>> think this needs some sort of formal proposal and vote for clarity.
>>>>> - Localization w/database back-end (John Bush)
>>>>> The KNL part is in trunk, while the user-facing tool is in contrib. I 
>>>>> think consensus has formed around this split for 2.8. Like CK Editor, we 
>>>>> probably need to put the formal stamp on this.
>>>>> - Quartz Job Scheduler (Duffy Gillman)
>>>>> This is in trunk. The work was done in conjunction with the MT (the 
>>>>> maintainers of the job scheduler) and there seems to be consensus on its 
>>>>> inclusion. It probably needs the same "approval" for the record as the 
>>>>> above.
>>>>> - Updated blog tool (Lancaster)
>>>>> I think this is out for 2.8.
>>>>> - Updated Roster tool (Lancaster)
>>>>> There was a lenghty discussion on the list. It's out, and Lancaster has 
>>>>> decided to put this into contrib.
>>>>> - S3/Nakamura Hybrid (Lance Speelmon)
>>>>> Lance has circulated his proposal to us and MT. I think some more 
>>>>> discussion is probably warranted and a formal vote should be taken.
>>>>> - MessageService
>>>>> I haven't seen any discussion or action on this so I am assuming it's 
>>>>> out for 2.8.
>>>>> - Email Notification Preferences (SAK-18859)
>>>>> Chris Maurer has this work in a branch and notified sakai-dev (and 
>>>>> possibly us) 10+ days ago. I don't think it's in trunk yet and also has 
>>>>> a Kernel dependency (KNL-585). I think this needs focused discussion and 
>>>>> an approval by vote.
>>>>> - Account Validation (David Horwitz)
>>>>> It looks as though this is in trunk (based on the RES-2 comment and a 
>>>>> ViewVC check). It probably needs a formal stamp of approval.
>>>>> == Architectural and library changes
>>>>> I think there is consensus that no Tomcat 6/Java 1.6-related changes are 
>>>>> to be made for 2.8, but will be worked on for 2.9. In addition, no 
>>>>> Oracle-related deprecations will happen for 2.8.

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