[sakai2-tcc] Update on Strawman schedule for Sakai 2.8 Release Activity

May, Megan Marie mmmay at indiana.edu
Mon Aug 2 18:09:01 PDT 2010

     Per Seth's email, I pulled together a strawman for the 2.8 schedule and circulated it to the TCC as well as the QA/RM list.
Please see http://confluence.sakaiproject.org//x/8RkhB<http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/x/8RkhB>

As I was working through this I had a few thoughts

-          Owners need to be people not groups if this is going to work

-          This schedule needs to account for the 2.7.1 and 2.6.3 releases.  Thinking about this in a bubble isn't the way to go.

-          For 2.8 we're going to need to balance what can be done in the time frame vs what we'd like to do.   The planning ect should have started months ago so I think it's important we recognize that we are going to need to be flexible if we're going to release by march

I've outlined the comments below but rather than update the proposal, wash rinse and repeat, I think it would be a better use of time to set aside an hour for a conference call to get the basics outlined.    Is that something people could fit in their schedules this week?


Comments on the proposal so far

·         Change Documentation

o    AB:  Is there a particular format we'd like the changes documented in it

o    Need to identify who defines format (AB) and who collects info (JF)

o    AB:  would like test plans ready at the same time change documentation is done so this with help with coordinating testing

o    JF:  Would like to know if this is going to be manual or if we're going to use

o    Still need to determine scope. Anth thinks we need to figure out the project team plans ASAP so we can determine which of the 2.8 goals can be accomplished (ie fixing tools that don't compile in Java 6, registering events, ect)

·         Tagging

o   AW:   Mid-August Alpha tags I think are unrealistic

o   RM Call:  Be more realistic to begin to produce alpha tags in September; after the code freeze

·         Tool Additions and Removals

o   Swinsburg:   dates are too early.

o   Swinsburg: Where are the list of tool changes?

§  http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/MGT/Sakai+2x+Project+Planning+Goals

o   AW:  As a starting point for debate regarding tool promotion:  : no new capabilities other than CKEditor (if Noah is game)

o   AW:  As a starting point for debate regarding tool removals: Blogger, reports, warehouse; deprecate: profile (remove 2.9).

·         Code Freeze and Branch Freeze:

o    JF:  How how we avoid anything being committed to trunk between the two? If we cannot, they should be synchronized at least from an svn point of view on a given svn external.

o    RM Call: Kernel Freeze - should be same as code freeze.

·         Indie releases

o    JF:   should be branched no later than the main branch freeze. All indie work should be at least ready at the same time as main code (Help documentation, String Freeze, Translation ...) and follow the same rules.  Maybe the first indie release artifact should be available before the branch freeze.

o    Swinsburg: Need to add in indie and code freeze dates.

o    RM Call:   Clay/Nate give heads up on coming new functionality.   Evaluation work should take place during the month of Aug/Early Sept.

·         Translations/Help/String Freeze

o    JF:  If string freeze happens at code freeze, translation of anything but the help documentation should start then with an announcement sent to the i18n/L10n WG. The WG is not the owner of the translations, each language/region/variant is responsible for its own translation. We should also ask for intend to translate or update the translation to the i18n/L10n WG.

o   JF:  Announcements of English updates ready per help documentation category should be sent to the i18n WG in order to smooth the translation process. I think we need a help documentation coordinator.

o    JF: The string freeze should happen at code freeze to give more time to translators. I don't want 2.8.0 to be lacking translation as much as 2.7.0 is.

§  MMM:    Is this realistic?    It doesn't seem so for 2.8 . . .  this might be something we aim for the next release.

·         Upgrade Freeze

o   JF:   Need to identify impacted areas using maven versions:display-dependency-updates to identify impacted areas and have someone coordinate

·         Misc

o    Include that mid Dec things slow down and do not pick up until Jan.
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