[Using Sakai] A question about auto created groups when using the Lessons tool and Forums

Fawei Geng fawei.geng at it.ox.ac.uk
Mon Nov 3 04:55:46 PST 2014

Dear all,

Thanks for reading the question.  To provide a bit context of the issue, at Oxford we are using Sakai 10 and ‘Project’ site.

A user with the ‘maintain’ role uses the Forums tool and links to Forum topics in the Lessons tool.   Last a few days she discovered that some of her students couldn't see a forum topic.  Then she noticed the cause was that the topic was assigned to a group that she was aware of.   I was told that the other maintainers in the site did not create any groups.

This sounds quite strange to me and I could not reproduce what she experienced.   The only thing I can think of is the ‘Lessons” tool that has been newly introduced at Oxford in September.

Has the similar issue occurred to you when using the Forums and Lessons tool?

Many thanks in advance


Learning Technology Support Officer
IT Services, University of Oxford
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN
Blog: http://blogs.oucs.ox.ac.uk/fawei/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/oxford4learning/

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