[Using Sakai] Can I undelete a deleted forum?

Anders Nordkvist anders.nordqvist at his.se
Mon Jan 20 06:03:30 PST 2014


We are running sakai 2.9.x and im trying to get back a deleted forum from mysql db. Here is what I have done:

select * from sakai_event where REF like '%43620cb0-3c90-4089-b284-076a73b46ca3%' and EVENT like '%deleteforum%' ORDER BY EVENT_DATE DESC limit 5;

>From REF: /forums/site/82e22b39-b6c9-482a-b791-58514ce597f0/Forum/230/43620cb0-3c90-4089-b284-076a73b46ca3

I get the number of the forum: 230

When I check the forum with:

select * from mfr_open_forum_t where ID='230';

| ID  | FORUM_DTYPE | VERSION | UUID                                 | CREATED             | CREATED_BY | MODIFIED            | MODIFI                                           ED_BY                          | DEFAULTASSIGNNAME | TITLE              | SHORT_DESCRIPTION | EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION | TYPE_UUID                                                                       | SORT_INDEX | LOCKED | DRAFT | surrogateKey | MODERATED | AUTO_MARK_THREADS_READ | AVAILABILITY_RESTRICTED | AVAI                                           LABILITY | OPEN_DATE | CLOSE_DATE | POST_FIRST |
+-----+-------------+---------+--------------------------------------+---------------------+------------+---------------------+-------                                           -------------------------------+-------------------+--------------------+-------------------+----------------------+------------------                                           --------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------------+-----------+------------------------+-------------------------+-----                                           ---------+-----------+------------+------------+
| 230 | DF          |      16 | 50e79fd6-ead5-4c2c-a4d2-212fd7a59a13 | 2010-10-06 14:11:02 | admin      | 2013-08-27 11:38:56 | 43620c                                           b0-3c90-4089-b284-076a73b46ca3 | NULL              | Fråga biblioteket  |                   |                      | 61d35828-11fb-4b                                           61-851e-f30f3a89580a |          1 |        |       |         NULL |           |                        |                         |                                                        | NULL      | NULL       |            |
+-----+-------------+---------+--------------------------------------+---------------------+------------+---------------------+-------                                           -------------------------------+-------------------+--------------------+-------------------+----------------------+------------------                                           --------------------+------------+--------+-------+--------------+-----------+------------------------+-------------------------+-----                                           ---------+-----------+------------+------------+
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

So I suppose the forum still is there but I cant find any column to set as 1 or 0 to get the forum back. Is that possible at all somehow?

Anders Nordqvist
Högskolan i Skövde
Box 408
541 28 Skövde
tfn 0500-44 81 78
e-post anders.nordqvist at his.se

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