[Using Sakai] Using SAKAI Course sites

Earle Nietzel enietzel at anisakai.com
Tue Jul 30 09:38:41 PDT 2013

Hi Igor,

The Course Management API goal was to try an accommodate the needs of
varying institutions. It is not intended that every institution will need
to use all of its capabilities but rather that it was designed such that it
would meet the individual needs.

This confluence page may help:

Here is a sample implementation that uses a quartz job to load data from
files into the CM tables:


On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 3:27 AM, igor Novopashenny <
Igor at escience.uni-bremen.de> wrote:

> Hi,****
> we are trying to understand how the tables for the course Management are
> organized in SAKAI.****
> Unfortunately we cannot find any documentation for the tables with the
> Prefix CM_.****
> Analysing the documentation of the SAKORA tools and some other  documents
> we have understood a lot, but there are still some open questions.****
> May be somebody can help us.****
> **1.      **Table CM_MEETING_T. It looks like, that this table is not
> used un the current versions. In any case it stays empty in our
> installation. From the other side we don’t understand where the information
> about the sections (such as *Meeting Details, Section Size etc.)* is
> saved. If I add some sections the information is saved, but I don’t know
> where.****
> **2.      **CM_OFFICIAL_INSTRUCTORS_T What for is this table? It is not
> used in SAKORA, so I don’t understand what the Official Instructor means.*
> ***
> **3.      **CM_COURSE_SET_CANON_ASSOC_T- I understand the sense of this
> table, but it looks like that it is not really used. If I make the inputs
> in the tables manually and leave this table empty, everything works without
> it.****
> **4.      **CM_CROSS_LISTING_T- What is it?****
> **5.      **CM_ENROLLMENT_SET_T- As I understand, this table is used do
> manage different categories of the studies (lecture, practice, laboratory,
> etc.). For a course offering different categories of studies are defined
> here. After it the students are connected to this categories of the studies
> via the table CM_ENROLLMENT_T. Is it correct?****
> ** **
> Kind regards****
> Igor    ****
> ** **
> ****
> ** **
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