[Using Sakai] Short URLs for files with non ASCII characters

Rafael Morales Gamboa rmorales at suv.udg.mx
Sun Aug 18 21:41:13 PDT 2013

According to MySQL documentation ():


Shows the CREATE
that creates the named database. If the SHOW statement includes an IF NOT
EXISTS clause, the output too includes such a clause. SHOW CREATE
a synonym for SHOW CREATE
of MySQL 5.0.2.

and I get

show create database sakai;
| Database | Create Database
| sakai    | CREATE DATABASE `sakai` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */

So I guess our database was created as UTF-8.

2013/8/18 Rafael Morales Gamboa <rmorales at suv.udg.mx>

> It looks like the database was setup as UTF-8 from the beginning, because
> that is said in the instructions to install Sakai CLE 2.9. I do not
> remember changing it to UTF-8 after installation. The fact is that the full
> URL uses UTF-8, but the shortener encodes it as Latin 1.
> Would there be any way to test if the database was not created as UTF-8?
> Could someone who is totally sure its database was created as UTF-8 try to
> reply my case? It would require to upload a document from Windows with an
> 'ó' (accute o) in its name, and then generate a short URL for it.
> 2013/8/18 Steve Swinsburg <steve.swinsburg at gmail.com>
>> If your database was not setup as UTF-8 to begin with, then you may need
>> to export it all out and re-import it with the correct character set. I
>> haven't done this though.
>> On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 9:56 AM, Rafael Morales Gamboa <
>> rmorales at suv.udg.mx> wrote:
>>> I searched the url_randomised_mappings_t, ran the results through od,
>>> and found that
>>> 0000000   1   1  \t   H   a   q   X   O   C  \t   h   t   t   p   :   /
>>> 0000020   /   v   i   r   t   u   a   l   .   c   u   d   i   .   e   d
>>> 0000040   u   .   m   x   :   8   0   8   0   /   a   c   c   e   s   s
>>> 0000060   /   c   o   n   t   e   n   t   /   g   r   o   u   p   /   8
>>> 0000100   b   f   7   3   c   8   c   -   0   9   6   8   -   4   9   1
>>> 0000120   4   -   8   c   4   4   -   9   1   8   d   7   6   f   a   3
>>> 0000140   8   9   6   /   I   n   t   r   o   d   u   c   c   i 363   n
>>> 0000160       a       S   a   k   a   i       -       P   e   r   s   p
>>> 0000200   e   c   t   i   v   a       d   e   l       U   s   u   a   r
>>> 0000220   i   o   .   p   d   f  \n
>>> So the URL is stored using #f3 (octal 363) for the 'ó' (accute o). In
>>> other words, Sakai/MySQL is using the ISO 8859-1 encoding instead of UTF-8
>>> to store shortened the URL.
>>> Regards,
>>> Rafael
>>> 2013/8/18 Steve Swinsburg <steve.swinsburg at gmail.com>
>>>> Go to the database and see what the full url is for this shortened URL.
>>>> Does it match the actual resource URL?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Steve
>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>> On 17/08/2013, at 7:23, Rafael Morales Gamboa <rmorales at suv.udg.mx>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Actually, I was wrong. Tomcat is configured with URIEncoding="UTF-8"
>>>> and the database seems to be OK (despite de fact that there is no
>>>> character_set_server=utf8 in my.conf:
>>>> mysql> SELECT default_character_set_name FROM
>>>> information_schema.SCHEMATA S
>>>>     -> WHERE schema_name = "sakai";
>>>> +----------------------------+
>>>> | default_character_set_name |
>>>> +----------------------------+
>>>> | utf8                       |
>>>> +----------------------------+
>>>> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>>>> The question is whether I should add that configuration line to
>>>> my.conf, anayway.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Rafael
>>>> El 15/08/2013 06:50 p.m., Mike DeSimone escribió:
>>>>  Hi Rafael,
>>>>  Sometimes things like this are due to database settings and tomcat
>>>> connector settings.  Can you confirm the 8080 connector
>>>> has URIEncoding="UTF-8"?  Also, if this is MySQL, then ensure this is in
>>>> the my.cnf: character_set_server=utf8 and the database was created with
>>>> utf8 encoding.
>>>>  more info can be found here:
>>>> https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/DOC/Sakai+CLE+2.9+Release+Notes#SakaiCLE29releasenotes-Databasesupport
>>>> and:
>>>> https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=82249313(section 3 for tomcat setup)
>>>>  I also have found that files cannot easily be renamed in the Sakai
>>>> UI.  Not sure if there's any other solution than your suggestion.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> *********************************************
>>>> Mike DeSimone
>>>> Director of Enterprise Operations
>>>> Asahi Net International, Inc. (*ANI*)
>>>> O: +1 (602) 490-0473
>>>>  W: anisakai.com
>>>>  [image: Inline image 1]
>>>>   **********************************************
>>>> On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 4:25 PM, Rafael Morales Gamboa <
>>>> rmorales at suv.udg.mx> wrote:
>>>>>  Hello,
>>>>> On Sakai 2.9.1 I uploaded a file to Resources that was called
>>>>> 'Introducción a Sakai - Perspectiva del Usuario.pdf' in my computer, and I
>>>>> renamed it to 'Introducción a Sakai.pdf' in Resources and made it public.
>>>>> Under properties I can see now its URL:
>>>>> http://virtual.cudi.edu.mx:8080/access/content/group/8bf73c8c-0968-4914-8c44-918d76fa3896/Introducci%C3%B3n%20a%20Sakai%20-%20Perspectiva%20del%20Usuario.pdf
>>>>> So, the URL is composed from the original name of the file in my
>>>>> computer, and I cannot see a way to change it unless renaming the file in
>>>>> my computer before uploading it to Resources.
>>>>> Now, if I choose the Short URL option I get the URL
>>>>> http://virtual.cudi.edu.mx:8080/x/HaqXOC, and at least three distinct
>>>>> behaviours in browser (latest public releases of them):
>>>>>    1. In Firefox, I get error 404.
>>>>>    2. In Chrome, it is translated to
>>>>>    http://virtual.cudi.edu.mx:8080/access/content/group/8bf73c8c-0968-4914-8c44-918d76fa3896/Introducci%F3n%20a%20Sakai%20-%20Perspectiva%20del%20Usuario.pdf('ó' is encoded as %F3 instead of %C%B3) and I get error 404.
>>>>>    3. In Internet Explorer it works! ('ó' is just 'ó').
>>>>> The questions are (1) why do I get all this different behaviours? and
>>>>> (2) how can I get it to work on all these browsers?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Rafael
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