[Using Sakai] restrictions on multiple login by a single user

rajan rajan.pr at sbi.co.in
Fri Oct 19 01:51:05 PDT 2012

Dear All

We have a typical requirement :

1.       A user should not be allowed to login to his account from more than
one location/system. 

2.       The login session of the user in the system at any given point of
time should be one and only one irrespective of the roles assigned to him
(Student / Mentor/ Admin etc.,)

3.       The system should keep track on the concurrent logins made by the
user and allow him login from a single location / instance.

4.       How can we achieve this?


Rajan P R

Manager (Systems)

e-Learning  Department

Phone : 040 - 23388048

Mobile: +91 96666 27940


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