[Using Sakai] Using Sakai-Demo with MySQL

mail at nicolaslehmann.de mail at nicolaslehmann.de
Sun Oct 14 14:27:57 PDT 2012

Hi at all,

I’m studying computer science at the free university of berlin.

I want to use MySQL (MySQL Server 5.5) with the sakai-demo (2.8.2) instead of the HSQLDB. (Using Windows 8)

My database is: sakai
My database-user is: sakaiuser
My database-password is: sakaipassword
My database-server is: or localhost
My database-port is: 3306

I copied the JDBC-Driver (“mysql-connector-java-5.1.20.bin”) to the directory “c:\sakaidemo\common\lib\”.
I changed the file “c:\sakaidemo\sakai\sakai.properties” as written in the documentation.

But it doesn’t work! Can anybody post me a configuration file that works? ...or give me a hint what I did wrong??

I’m really thankful for any help!

Greetings from Berlin
Nicolas Lehmann
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