[Using Sakai] itunes U app

Adam Marshall adam.marshall at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Fri Jan 20 03:55:40 PST 2012

"Apple today also announced an all-new iTunes(r) U app giving educators and students everything they need on their iPad, iPhone(r) and iPod touch(r) to teach and take entire courses. With the new iTunes U app, students using iPads have access to the world's largest catalog of free educational content, along with over 20,000 education apps at their fingertips and hundreds of thousands of books in the iBookstore that can be used in their school curriculum, such as novels for English or Social Studies.* The iTunes U app is available today as a free download from the App Store."

Look at http://events.apple.com.edgesuite.net/1201oihbafvpihboijhpihbasdouhbasv/event/index.html  50 mins in

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