[Using Sakai] mysql performance issues

Anders Nordkvist anders.nordqvist at his.se
Tue Jan 17 06:47:50 PST 2012

Thank you all for your replies!

Why do you think I should use 64M instead of 128 Sam?

Anders Nordqvist
Systemadministratör, Nätbaserad Utbildning
IT- och campusavdelningen
Högskolan i Skövde
Box 408
541 28 Skövde
tfn 0500-44 81 78
e-post anders.nordqvist at his.se<mailto:fornamn.efternamn at his.se>

From: Sam Ottenhoff [mailto:ottenhoff at longsight.com]
Sent: den 17 januari 2012 15:09
To: Anders Nordkvist
Cc: sakai-user at collab.sakaiproject.org
Subject: Re: [Using Sakai] mysql performance issues

I have looked at the Sakai admin mysql section and found a few tips. One thing to test with is the query caching.

Yes, enable query caching in MySQL right away!

query_cache_size = 64M

Do you guys have any more tips of how to increase the performance? Do you know of any free profiling tool to use?

Yes, disable user presence in sakai.properties:

# enable presence display in the portal (true or false)

My last question is: How do I know that SAKAI_PRESENCE table is in memory?

mysql> show create table SAKAI_PRESENCE;

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