[Using Sakai] Sakai and Curriculum Management at dental (or med) schools

Emily Corse corse at camlink.rutgers.edu
Tue Sep 14 12:13:46 PDT 2010

A colleague at the University of Pennsylvania's Dental School, Pat
Heller, asks:



Have any schools developed a Sakai tool to use for Curriculum Management
purposes?  We are most interested in finding out if any dental schools
have done so, but would also be interested in tools designed for other
University settings, such as for medical schools.


We're trying to discover if Sakai can provide the functionality that we
need.  The areas that we're most focused on managing include:


1.  Relating courses, and specific lectures, to competencies.


2.  Identifying redundancies in the curriculum, via a search of
keywords/descriptors associated with those courses and lectures.


3.  Scheduling classes more efficiently, and having those schedules
easily and immediately available to the students.


If any Dental or Medical School has designed a tool that works with
Sakai to assist with curriculum management, we would be most
appreciative, if you could let us know.





If you'd like to respond to Pat directly:


Pat Heller

heller at pobox.upenn.edu

Dental School Librarian

University of Pennsylvania

240 South 40th Street

Philadelphia, PA  19104



Thanks so much. 


Emily Corse 
corse at rutgers.edu <mailto:corse at rutgers.edu>  
Instructional Design & Technology <http://idt.camden.rutgers.edu/>  
245 Armitage Hall 
311 North 5th Street 
Camden NJ 08102 

856 225 6474


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