[Using Sakai] Sakai BigBlueButton integration

Nuno Fernandes nuno at ufp.edu.pt
Wed May 26 02:12:38 PDT 2010

Hi everyone,

We (Nuno Fernandes & Adrian Fish) are pleased to announce the first release
of the *Sakai BigBlueButton* tool (1.0). The tool integrates a Sakai
instance with a BigBlueButton server, allowing Sakai users to easily create,
manage and join BigBlueButton meetings from a Sakai worksite.

*Main Features:*

   - *Control meetings* - create/edit/update/delete BBB meetings from Sakai.
   - *Meeting access* - define meeting access by selecting all users,
   groups, roles or individual users in site.
   - *Tool access* - define who can do what on the Sakai tool.
   - *Scheduling* - optionally, define meeting start dates and/or end dates
   and add it to site Calendar.
   - *Notification* - optionally, send an email notification to meeting
   - *Simplicity* - the user interface is designed to be simple.
   - *Fast* - the Ajax driven interface (Javascript + JSON + Trimpath
   templates) provides good end-user experience and low server load.
   - *RESTful* - full RESTful support via EntityBroker.
   - *Statistics* - the tool logs information automatically processed by the
   Site Stats tool.

*About BigBlueButton:*
BigBlueButton is an open source project that is built on over fourteen open
source components to create an integrated web conferencing system that runs
on mac, unix, or PC computers. More information available at

*About Sakai:*
Designed by educators for educators, Sakai is an enterprise teaching,
learning and academic collaboration platform that best meets the needs of
today's learners, instructors and researchers. More information at

*More information:*
Screenshots, installation, release and configuration information is
available at http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/BBB

Best regards,
Nuno Fernandes

Nuno Fernandes  .  { Analyst/Programmer }

|| web  . { http://www.ufp.pt  |  http://tinyurl.com/nfgrilo  |  follow_me @
nfgrilo }
|| work . { Universidade Fernando Pessoa  |  Praça 9 de Abril, 349  |
 4249-004 Porto }
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