[Using Sakai] Learning Activities project outcomes and workshop at Denver 2010

Keli Sato Amann kamann at stanford.edu
Fri Jun 11 10:11:47 PDT 2010

Some of you may have participated in the Learning Activities project earlier in this year, or who have been curious about what the Sakai 3.0 successor to tools like Tests & Quizzes might be like. We'll present outcomes from that project, talk about next steps, and give you the opportunity to learn more and participate during two back-to-back sessions on Wednesday June 16 at the Denver 2010 Sakai Conference.

During the 60-minute talk we'll describe what we learned from the research and present early high-level design for how learning activities could function within Sakai 3.0. The 90-minute workshop will give you a hands-on experience using the method we used to transform user research findings into tools that inform design.

We hope you can come to one or both of them--they are designed to function separately, so please come by. Since there are other sessions going on at that time, we'll be posting our slide deck and do our best to get audio or even video up after the conference.

Wednesday June 16
Rethinking Learning Activities: Taking Action on User Research (12:25-1:25 PM)
How do you design a system that will satisfy a diverse group of users? Hear about how eight institutions interviewed 30 instructors, staff, and students about assigned learning activities, consolidated their goals and motivations into 12 representative "personas," and used those personas to start making decisions about the 3.0 successors to 2.x tools.
-Keli Amann, User Experience Specialist, Stanford University
-Daphne Ogle, Senior Interaction Designer, UC Berkeley

Rethinking Learning Activities: Practicing Research-Based design workshop (1:30-3:05 PM)
A hands-on workshop where you will work in small groups to create work flows using a persona or user archetype that represents a faculty member or student. You will think as the persona, and determine what your goal is and how to ideally accomplish it.

-Salwa Khan, Coordinator, IT Projects Coordinator, Texas State University
-Whitten Smart, User Services Consultant II, Texas State University
-Kristol Hancock Senior Interaction Designer, Indiana University
-Daphne Ogle, Senior Interaction Designer, UC Berkeley
-Keli Amann, User Experience Specialist, Stanford University

Hope to see you there!

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