[Using Sakai] Sakai Documentation Redesign Call

Robin Hill Hill at uwyo.edu
Fri Dec 10 09:11:05 PST 2010

Where is everybody??

  Robin K. Hill, Ph. D.      Coordinator of Instructional Computing, University of Wyoming
  [On professional leave, 2010-2011]
  hill at uwyo.edu        307-760-8508   http://www.uwyo.edu/HILL

From: sean.keesler [sean.keesler at threecanoes.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 2:57 PM
To: sakai-user at collab.sakaiproject.org
Cc: mathieu at udel.edu; alan.regan at pepperdine.edu; lorie at uwindsor.ca; Robin Hill; sean.keesler at threecanoes.com; Matt.Clare at BrockU.ca; mwagner at umich.edu; psg3a at virginia.edu; kstiles at rsmart.com; rmorales at udgvirtual.udgd.mx; adam.marshall at ox.ac.uk; matt.schneider at jhu.edu; ws15 at txstate.edu; adevans at vt.edu; jonmhays at media.berkeley.edu
Subject: Sakai Documentation Redesign Call

Mathieu has asked me to get a conference call up and running for those that expressed interest in participating in an effort to improve the Sakai documentation. We had a list of interested parties (cc'd here), but I am also sending this to the entire Sakai-User list in case you missed it.

The suggestion was made that we could start with a call (I like 1 hour calls) on Wednesday or Friday afternoon (Eastern time) next week.
You can get help us schedule by responding to this availability poll:

A proposed agenda for a 1 hour meeting would include:
- Introductions/Expectations/Skills/Availability of participants
- Define goals - scope (ie: redistributable KB or wiki, prioritized list of docs needed)
- Timeframe for project
- Success stories, other products available?
- Define structure of the group if we get that far...

The confluence page that we are using to organize this is here:
The thread that precipitated it is here:

Sean Keesler
130 Academy Street
Manlius, NY 13104
sean.keesler at threecanoes.com<mailto:sean.keesler at threecanoes.com>
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