[Using Sakai] Schedule tool event lockup solutions?

Moynihan, Brian moynihan at med.unc.edu
Mon Aug 30 07:26:18 PDT 2010

 At my school we make heavy use of the Schedule tool, which works great except for one recurring problem: If one person goes to edit an event it locks that event for all other users. We often have many people who might be editing the calendar, and so this causes problems for us on a regular basis. If someone starts to edit the calendar and then goes to lunch, or changes to another tool or site in Sakai, that event might inadvertently be locked for a long time. It is even possible to lock *yourself* out of the calendar if you are using more than one browser or even browser tab. 

  I have sought various solutions to this problem, including removing people from the site, changing permissions so that their role does not have editing privileges and making the user "inactive" on the site, but nothing seems to work.
  Has anyone else found a solution to this problem?

Brian Moynihan, MSIS 
UNC School of Medicine 
moynihan at med.unc.edu 

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