[Using Sakai] Design patterns I mentioned on this mornings call

Daphne Ogle daphne at media.berkeley.edu
Wed Sep 23 11:21:47 PDT 2009

Hi all,

I mentioned this morning that design patterns might be a way to  
capture the "generalities" Jan brought up.  I'm thinking of them as  
patterns in interaction we'd like use in Sakai.  The wysiwg editor was  
an example of where we'd like interactions to be similar across the  
system.   Design patterns can help us describe the kind of  
interactions we'd like see along with when and why to use them.  Yet,  
they are not prescriptive.  They allow for specifics that a particular  
context might require.

There's some good information about patterns in the Fluid Design  
Handbook:  http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Design+Patterns

As you'll see we got started on an open source design pattern library  
(OSDPL) in Fluid.  It's very much in it's infancy but you can get an  
idea of where it is headed.  The goal was to eventually have open  
source communities adding their own patterns so when and if we get to  
the point of identifying and defining patterns the OSPDL could be a  
potential home for them.

At the link I point to, of most interest I think, are the FAQs and  
pointers to existing libraries.  Some of my favorites are the first 4  
on the list.

Daphne Ogle
Senior Interaction Designer
University of California, Berkeley
Educational Technology Services
daphne at media.berkeley.edu
cell (925)348-4372

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