[Using Sakai] Wimba integration

Daniel Merino daniel.merino at unavarra.es
Wed Dec 2 04:30:38 PST 2009

Hi everybody.

I have been testing Wimba in Sakai 2.5.3 recently with the help of the 
Contrib: Wimba Integration page (and the 2.5.x build that is there) and 
I like the tool very much.

However, it seems to me that the integration is limited to the users 
access. Does it exist (or is planned) any other advance with this 
integration? For example, using the Sakai's calendar or dropping the 
recorded videos in resources.

If the answer is no, does it exist any other similar tool which have 
this kind of integration with Sakai?

Thanks in advance.
Daniel Merino
daniel.merino at unavarra.es
Gestor de teleformación - Centro Superior de Innovación Educativa.
Tfno: 948-168489 - Universidad Pública de Navarra.

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