[Using Sakai] Presence iFrame background color

Sean Keesler sean.keesler at threecanoes.com
Fri Aug 14 05:38:18 PDT 2009

I'm creating a skin for Sakai 2.6 and running into an issue with the
presence iFrame.
I want to set the background color for the presence area to some
non-white color, so in CSS I set the background color of the
".presenceWrapper" div to that color.
Unfortunately, the presence tool get's its background color from
tool.css...the same stylesheet that every other tool gets its
background color, and (if not set explicitly is white).

The result I end up with is a colored box around a white iframe with
the presence list in it.
Does anyone have a trick up their sleeve for getting a background
color set for the presence area without affecting all of the rest of
the tools?

Sean Keesler
130 Academy Street
Manlius, New York 13104 USA
sean.keesler at threecanoes.com

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