[Using Sakai] Roleplay (user alias) tool added to contrib

Stephen Marquard stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za
Tue Aug 4 01:59:27 PDT 2009

Hi all,

UCT's roleplay tool (aka user alias) for Sakai 2.6.0 and later is now in contrib:


The tool was built to support simulation games where users are known by a nickname other than their default Sakai name in a specific site context. At UCT, this is used to support a 3rd-year Economics course in International Trade Bargaining, where users represent country teams.

The tool has a few rough edges (notably that you need a database configuration to enable it for each site), but in the spirit of release early, release often, here it is. This version is in production at UCT.

As it depends on some service interface changes introduced in Sakai 2.6, it cannot be used with or backported to Sakai 2.5 or earlier (sorry!).


Stephen Marquard, Learning Technologies Co-ordinator
Centre for Educational Technology, University of Cape Town
Email/IM/XMPP: stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za 
Phone: +27-21-650-5037 Cell: +27-83-500-5290 

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