[WG: Sakai QA] Sakai 10.1-RC01 available!

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Thu Aug 14 04:38:53 PDT 2014

The Sakai Core Team is happy to publish the first release candidate for 
Sakai 10.1. The 10.1 RC01 includes all current verified bugs, since the 
release of Sakai 10.0 as more schools continue to upgrade and run Sakai 
10.0 in production.

We are running with all the properties enabled in local.properties 
mentioned on the MOTD here
https://qa10.longsight.com/ with logs here: https://qa10.longsight.com/logs/

We have tackled a number of bugs and are cautiously optimistic that RC01 
could become the final Sakai 10.1 release. We need your help with QA 
testing and reporting. Our target is to complete testing by Monday, 
August 18.

QA plan
The plan is here - 
But thrown together fairly quickly. Please feel free to ask questions.

List of fixes since 10.0
The full list of all fixed of nearly 200 issues is below.


More details for those interested (for local downloading, etc)
Link to the source tag (It points to externals as of 2014-08-13 21:05 EDT):

One of the bigger changes is a large upgrade to Elastic Search to from 
0.9.0 to 1.1.2 and removal of legacy Search. This was done to improve 
performance and get it to work better in a cluster. Legacy search 
depended on an old version of Lucene (3.x) and upgrading it didn't seem 
worth the effort when we have Elastic Search. Some documentation for 
retaining the old search in a source build will be provided when 10.1 is 
officially released.

Link to the binary (for other QA servers)

MD5: be691b12f1fb2357674da68e63d258fa
SHA1: a19b7529d441970e780d44fc602995d7594114c5

Neal Caidin
Sakai Community Coordinator
Apereo Foundation
neal.caidin at apereo.org
Skype me! (but let me know in advance for the first interaction) - nealkdin

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