[WG: Sakai QA] Adding non-official Participants

Neal Caidin nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org
Tue Nov 6 11:03:01 PST 2012

Hey QA-folk,

If I add a Non-official participant to a course site on qa29.longsight.com and tell Sakai the person should be notified, shouldn't I get two emails, one for account setup and one for notification of the Sakai site enrollment? Myself and another tester are only getting the Sakai site notification, see below for sample, but there doesn't not appear to be any way to complete the account creation process. Are we missing something or could this be related to the Longsight server setup or could this be a Sakai bug…etc?


Dear [email_address_of_non_official_participant],

				You have been added to the following Sakai site: 
					ncaidin sam 01 201250
				by Neal Caidin.
				Once you have your guest account, you can log in to Sakai:
					1. Open Sakai: https://qa29.longsight.com
					2. Click the Login button.
					3. Type your guest account login and password, and click Login.
					4. Click on the site tab to go to the site. (You will see two or more tabs 
in a row across the upper part of the screen.)

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