[WG: Sakai QA] Strange problem on 2.9.x nightly

Neal Caidin nealcaidin at sakaifoundation.org
Wed Dec 26 13:53:03 PST 2012


I am running into a strange problem on 2.9.x nightly server - http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8087

When I create a site as "instructor" account, using the built in classes associated with instructor, like SMPL 101, the system appears to go through the creation process but the "instructor" does not see the courses show up in My Workspace. The sites seem to exist, by looking in the Administration Workspace, and the "instructor" seems to be enrolled in them too. 

I am not seeing this problem for sites I create under a newly made account, nor am I seeing this problem in trunk.



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