[sakai-pmc] Sakai VC contribution to development

Neal Caidin neal.caidin at apereo.org
Wed Oct 29 10:16:06 PDT 2014

Hi Sakai PMC and Sakai core team,

I wanted to make sure that you are all aware about a great thing that is
happening. Sakai VC conference registration fees will be pooled and go
directly toward Sakai feature development.

The Sakai VC planning team took input from the registrants, then collated
and organized the items that seemed specific enough to define, and
interesting enough to consider.

Here is what will be an another round of input from the conference
attendees, who get to vote for one of these.

  Test & Quizzes (i.e. Samigo) Jiras
 Grading rubrics
 LTI App Store
 Connect to cloud file storage
 Improved Event tracking
 Attendance Tool
 LTI Integration with Rich Text Editor
 New Wiki Tool

Descriptions of these options as follows:
Tests & Quizzes (i.e. Samigo) - UI improvements in T&Q, Easier ability to
allow individual students or groups more time to complete an assessment.

Accessibility - Make Sakai WCAG certified.

Grading rubrics - Clickable calculated grading rubrics for scoring student
work (for example in Gradebook, Assignments, and/or Forums)

LTI App Store for Sakai - Have a common front like Google, Android or Apple
have that show a list of applications that can easily extend Sakai's
functional capabilities using the IMS LTI , a growing industry standard.

Connect to cloud file storage - Integrate with cloud file storage solutions
such as Google Drive, Dropbox, S3 from Resources

Improved Event tracking - Enhanced analytics in Statistics - provides
instructors greater understanding of student online activities to help with
online curriculum development and student academic intervention programs.

Attendance Tool - Allow instructors to easily take attendance for each
class meeting using built-in rosters

LTI Integration with Rich Text Editor -

New Wiki Tool - Our Sakai Wiki plays an important role in the Sakai tool
ecosystem, and is often cited by TWSIA award winners as an important tool
in their successful application of Sakai to teaching and learning needs.
Our current Sakai Wiki is based on underlying technology which is no longer
well supported and the functionality is dated. We need a replacement. A
Sakai Wiki group is investigating the best alternatives either to integrate
a new wiki (most likely an existing open source wiki) or to enhance LTI to
enable integration with any LTI compliant wiki on the market (open source
or commercial). For information on the LTI standard please see IMS LTI.

Note:  The following items were not included in the list above because they
already have currently funded projects underway.

Lessons Enhancement Project: - Improve the user experience of the powerful
Lessons tool. For more see - Overview
Gradebook UI Project - Improve the workflow and user interface of the
Gradebook tool.

Curious about your reaction to these options. :-)

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