[sakai-pmc] Facebook: Sakai Project Group

Anthony Whyte arwhyte at umich.edu
Thu Jan 16 07:38:26 PST 2014

I neglected to include a link to the Apereo Group Facebook page:


Unlike Sakaiproject the Apereo page is up-to-date and well maintained. [1]  Is there value in maintaining a separate presence in Facebook?   What's the opportunity cost of doing so?  



[1] The sponsored links to the right of the screen adds a certain gravitas to the Apereo presentation (e.g., WOW! J. Travolta BULKS up).  Thanks Facebook.

anthony whyte | its and mlibrary | university of michigan | arwhyte at umich.edu | 517-980-0228

On Jan 16, 2014, at 9:33 AM, Neal Caidin wrote:

> This is a topic that could be good for Apereo Camp, or for a phone call, where it is a little more informal and "brainstormy".  I would be willing to consider taking over the Facebook page for Sakai as it seems like it fits in the Community Coordinator role, but then what is the purpose of the page? Where does the content come from, other than just myself? What kinds of things should be posted?
> Facebook has a huge reach and for some folks it is their preferred method of communication. For a special interest arts group to which I belong, I love getting the posts over Facebook. I think primarily because it usually links to a video or an event and I'm interested in seeing what happens in the community, and the videos are almost always relevant and interesting or inspiring.  But I'm not sure we have enough interesting video content being generated for Sakai and few enough events that our standard ways of reaching out seem sufficient. The thing we might get by posting on Facebook is some serendipity, if folks reshare links to their friends, you might get some unexpected connections. 
> Just some initial thoughts. 
> LinkedIn could be another possibility and perhaps the vibe of Linkedin would be more appropriate. There are Sakai groups on there I think?
> This could potentially be a broader topic about community communications and outreach. But yeah, we would need to have a vision for what we would want to achieve, and what kind of community interaction we would want to stimulate to make it worthwhile. I have a love/hate relationship with our Collab server. It is easy to use, just send an email, it keeps good archives and is searchable over the Collab server and using nabble or gmane, BUT it doesn't seem to always be the best tool for tracking the conversations as they are happening. I have gotten used to it, but for a casual user, I'm not sure it sends the best message of engagement and openness. 
> Whoops... TL;DR is the fate of this email , most likely , LOL
> Thanks,
> Neal
>> 	Anthony Whyte	January 16, 2014 at 8:52 AM
>> Back in 2009 the Sakai Foundation set up a Facebook group named "Sakai Project." [1]   Peter Hartsook was tasked with overseeing this group as part of his communications responsibilities.  The group currently has four members and has not seen a post since 2010.  The group has not been maintained for years.
>> Steve suggests we delete the group and instead direct attention to Apereo. [1]  If no one within Sakai is willing to take on responsibility for revitalizing and maintaining the Facebook SakaiProject group I am inclined to agree.  Then again I am no fan of Facebook.  Others may think revitalizing this group a good idea, hence my post.
>> What do others think we should do with this group?  Are there others prepared to step forward and make this group something more than the tumbleweed group it has begun?
>> Cheers,
>> Anth  
>> [1] https://www.facebook.com/groups/sakaiproject/
>> [2] How to whack a group: https://www.facebook.com/help/174988392554409
>> anthony whyte | its and mlibrary | university of michigan | arwhyte at umich.edu | 517-980-0228
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> -- 
> Neal Caidin
> Sakai Community Coordinator
> Apereo Foundation
> neal.caidin at apereo.org
> Skype me! (but let me know in advance for the first interaction) - nealkdin

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