[Building Sakai] travis-ci.org and sakai

Matthew Buckett matthew.buckett at it.ox.ac.uk
Tue Jan 27 08:32:26 PST 2015

I've setup travis-ci.org to build when any pull requests are created
for the sakai github repository and when they get merged into the
master branch.

You can see the status of the build at: https://travis-ci.org/sakaiproject/sakai

The only thing developers might notice is that test output is no
longer sent to the console by default (this was to get the build log
to be reasonable size). To get the test output back on the console do:

mvn -Dmaven.test.redirectTestOutputToFile=false install

If you always want this, you can create a profile in your
~/.m2/settings.xml which is active by default and sets this back. I
don't see this as a replacement for jenkins, but it's quick to setup,
integrates well with github and is free.

At the moment it might email you if you break/fix the build, but other
than that you shouldn't hear from it.

  Matthew Buckett, VLE Developer, IT Services, University of Oxford

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